
It starts with a love story.

Pianta is the brainchild of life partners, Denis and Pauline. The magic of Italian food without the heartburn. Plant-based, mostly gluten-free, made with little to no added sugar, and delicious. Our food is handmade in Los Angeles using artisanal techniques with fresh, organic & local ingredients.

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Denis Fregonese, Creator & Head Chef

Meet Denis Fregonese. He moved to the USA from Tuscany back in 2010. Wait, an Italian Vegan Chef? Yes, they exist! Anything is possible. Denis grew up loving to cook. He believes that food is not only a powerful tool to spark joy but also to maintain a healthy lifestyle. He created Pianta to provide people with the pleasurable experience of eating delicious Italian foods that are packed with the nutrients they need for optimum health.


Pauline Hevia, Creative Director

Meet Pauline Hevia, the imaginative mind behind Pianta’s branding and design. Pauline is a passionate cook and comes from Italian, Greek, and Cuban roots. When Pauline faced health problems she was forced to make serious lifestyle changes and that’s when she realized the power of eating clean, organic, and plant-based foods.